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QSO-310 Module 6 Assignment Management of Services (1)

QSO-310 Module 6 Assignment Management of Services (1)

Q 1. Public and private sector are under the category of Geographic representation for service facility location. 2. Locating a public service facility in an area that contains a large number of individuals for whom distance would be a strong barrier will maximize facility utilization. 3. Saturation clustering occurs when service firms locate their business near their competitors because they expect a high level of customer traffic. 4. The location set-covering problem locates facilities to minimize the distance that the most distant customer would travel to reach a facility (known as maximal service distance). 5. The absence of quantifiable criteria considerably diminishes the importance of facility location methods in the public sector.

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1. Public and private sector are under the category of Geographic representation for service facility location. (F) 2. Locating a public service facility in an area that contains a large number of individuals for whom distance would be a strong barrier will maximize facility utilization. (T) 3. Saturation clustering occurs when service firms locate their business near their competitors because they expect a high level of customer traffic. (F) 4. The location set-covering problem locates facilities to minimize the distance that the most distant customer would travel to reach a facility (known as maximal service distance). (T) 5. The absence of quantifiable criteria considerably diminishes the importance of facility location methods in the public sector. (F)